Have you ever thought to yourself about how elaborate God’s mind is? The Bible clearly tells us that God’s mind is all-knowing and holds the secrets of the past, present and future. There are some people who hear that and are amazed but there are other people who hear that and are struck with fear, and rightfully so, because that would mean that God has kept track of their entire successes and failures. Don’t you think it’s a little scary for someone to tell you that God keeps track and tabs on you? The scary part isn’t so much that He’s watching but that I need to measure up to what He’s keeping track of.
Do you remember when the Snapchat trend “streaks” started? Basically, what you had to do was pick a person who you “snapped” with often and see if you could keep a daily snap streak for as long as possible. The problem was once you had built a long streak with that person, you had to make sure you kept it going because once you missed a day of “snapping” the entire streak ended and you would have to start from zero again.
Isn’t that how it feels like with God at times? Where it feels like the beginning of our Christian walk is like the start of a Snapchat streak? To the point where we stress because we must make sure we keep it going.
Here’s the real deal
God does keep track on you. However, he keeps track on you so that when you trip or fall He could show from where you get back up and keep walking and not where you feel you need to reach all over again. Stressing to make sure you keep things going with God is a to-do list, not hunger. Hunger is a natural response to a stimulus that is embedded in your DNA. A to-do list is a manufactured set of tasks. God wants to reveal to you today that He’s part of the cloud of witnesses in heaven cheering you on as journey though this life.
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Hebrews 12.1 [ESV]
Some inspirational quotes:
Friends, if there’s anyone reading who’s been struggling to “keep things going with God”, I want to give you a chance to breathe relief…
“The Christian life is a marathon, not an obstacle course.”Unknown
“The only streak God cares about is how long He’s loved you.”Unknown
“We’re not struggling to be free, if we’re in Christ we’re free to struggle.”Mike Donehey
“It’s not about how you start, it’s about how you finish, and the finish line is defined by God alone.”Unknown
“God is watching you to cheer you on, not to judge you.”Unknown
Let’s stop the streaks. Love in and love on. By the way, nothing against Snapchat.